
2023年11月19日—ResourceHackerTMisaresourceeditorfor32bitand64bitWindows®applications.It'sbotharesourcecompiler(for*.rcfiles),anda ...,NETFrameworkWindowsResourceEditor.v3.0(2023/09/26),153KBSupported.NETFrameworkv4.0+.MicrosoftResXSchema(*.resX)v2.0.EmbeddedResource ...,Thisisasmallutilityapplicationthatenablesyoutoeditstringresourcesfrommultipledifferentresourcefilestogetherinsideonesingledat...

Resource Hacker

2023年11月19日 — Resource HackerTM is a resource editor for 32bit and 64bit Windows® applications. It's both a resource compiler (for *.rc files), and a ...

NET Framework Windows Resource Editor

NET Framework Windows Resource Editor. v3.0 (2023/09/26), 153KB Supported .NET Framework v4.0+. Microsoft ResX Schema (*.resX) v2.0. Embedded Resource ...

Zeta Resource Editor

This is a small utility application that enables you to edit string resources from multiple different resource files together inside one single data grid.

ResXResourceReader 類別(System.Resources)

首先, ResXResourceReader rsxr 會針對檔案 items.resx 建立。 接下來, GetEnumerator 方法會用來建立IDictionaryEnumerator 來逐一查看資源,並將內容顯示至主控台。

ResourceReader 類別(System.Resources)

讀取循序資源名稱/值組,以列舉二進位資源(.resources) 檔案中的資源。 public ref class ResourceReader sealed : System::Resources::IResourceReader

Resources Viewer .NET download

2013年5月30日 — Resources Viewer is a .NET is a program intended to load and show the resources of binary files such as EXE and DLL. Dot NET assemblies are ...


2017年8月3日 — I extracted .resource file from .NET executable using DotNetResourcesExtract utility but I don't now how to view content of .resource file.

Is there a way to see the resources that are in a .net dll

2011年7月8日 — I tried Resharper's new dotPeek, but it just shows code, not resources. Any idea how I can get at these resources that are supposedly in my dll?

.NET Resource Explorer

This tool will let you see what resources have been compiled into your .NET assembly. This can be useful to find out the names that have been given to resources ...